Monday, September 26, 2011

Posting a Video Class Exercise

Below is an example of YouTube video posted on this blog.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Class #3

Monday, September 26 will be the third and final class for our blogging workshop.  Some members of our class have been pretty energetic and have created their own blogs which I have added to the blog roll (My Blog List) located in the right side margin.  You will see the order of these blogs is chronological so the blogs with the most recent posts are at the top of the list.

If you have created a blog as part of this workshop and would like to have it added to our class blog roll, please post a comment to this post and I will add it to the blog roll.

I encourage all class members to bring their questions and problems (only blog related :-) to this last class and we will try to resolve them.

Congratulations to Bob Kadis who has created an unique "favicon" for his new blog and has earned "extra credit" for his effort. 

Have a great weekend!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Class #1 + Homework Assignment

Thank you to all of the "students" that attended today's blogging class.  I enjoyed sharing my knowledge of blogging and hoped that I instilled some new enthusiasm for starting your own blog.

As I outlined in class today, here is the homework assignment for our next class on Monday, Sept 19.
  1. If you do not have a Google account, please go to to create one which you will need before you can create your own blog.  There is a video on the Video Resources page that will lead you through the process if you need some additional help.
  2. Create a new blog.
  3. Write a first post for your new blog and publish it.
  4. If you run into any problems, please send it to me by posting a comment and I will try to help you resolve it before the next class.
  5. Also, use comments to send me any questions that you have regarding blogging and I will try to answer them in the next class.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

What is Blogging?

This YouTube video attempts to answer this question: